Privacy statement

Tibet Going Mad 4wd Travel Supermarkets

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(Including, including but not limited to text reports, images, charts, logos, logos, advertisements, trademarks, domain names, programs, layouts, column catalogs and names, content Classification standards and any or all information provided to registered users are subject to the Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China, the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China, the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China and the applicable international conventions, Patent or other property ownership laws for the protection of the Vietnamese Vietnamese tour and the relevant rights holders exclusive ownership or holding.

Users should use the content and services provided by the Vietnamese Cross-country Tibet tour for non-commercial, non-profit, non-profit and non-advertising purposes, and shall comply with the copyright laws and other relevant laws and shall not infringe the search or related rights s right.
The use of the content and services provided by the user for cross-country tour of Tibet will be subject to the written and special purpose of the Vietnamese tour or related rights holders, and the author and the article " Tibet tour "and pay royalties to the relevant rights holders in accordance with the relevant provisions of the relevant international conventions and the laws of the People's Republic of China.

No person shall alter, distribute, broadcast, reproduce, reproduce, alter, alter, distribute, perform, display or exploit the use of part or all of the contents of the Vietnamese tour of the Vietnamese, Service or in the non-Vietnamese cross-country tour tour of the server to mirror, or to tort, according to the law to pursue legal responsibility.

privacy protection

Vietnamese Cross-country Tibet tours recognize, respect and protect any or all personal information provided by registered users to Vietnam, and the right of privacy of registered users under the civil laws of the People's Republic of China. When the registered user uses the services of the Vietnamese Cross-Country Tour, the Vietnamese Vietnamese Tour will be released on the basis of this website and will be amended to protect the personal information and privacy policy to deal with the registration of users to provide personal information and Contains the privacy information.

Often, anyone can access the more cross-country tour and get information in an anonymous state. Some sections of the site need to be registered to enter, and this type of registration only requires registered users to provide an e-mail address and some basic information such as the job of a registered user, job class 1. However, the site sometimes requires registered users to provide more information. Vietnam, Vietnam, Vietnam, Vietnam, Vietnam, Vietnam, Vietnam, Vietnam, Vietnam, Vietnam, Vietnam, Vietnam, Vietnam, Vietnam, Vietnam, Vietnam, Vietnam, Vietnam, Vietnam, Tibet, This is done in order to make the Vietnamese cross-country tour a better understanding of the needs of registered users in order to provide effective services to registered users. The more cross-country tour of Tibet believes that the more detailed information provided by registered users can help the website to provide better services for registered users. When you register as a user who is willing to provide information, the more users will be able to provide personalized services for registered users when you register as a user who is a registered user or participates in online activities or enters a forum. At the same time, we believe that: Registered users to provide us with personal information is based on our trust, I believe we will be responsible attitude towards the registered user's personal information. We are also based on this understanding, to develop and publish protection of personal information and privacy policy.

The Vietnamese Cross-Country Tours take a rigorous and appropriate step to protect the registration of registered users and the privacy of registered users. Whenever a registered user provides a search for sensitive information (such as a one-card communication number necessary to complete a particular service requirement registration), we take reasonable steps to protect the sensitive information and reasonable security of the registered user to protect the stored individual information. Our access to these personal information rights is limited to those who need to perform such visits to complete their work and provide services to registered users.

We will not provide any personal information of the registered user to other companies or individuals until the license has been received by the registered user. However, if a registered user requests us to provide a specific service and to register a user support service or to send some of the gifts or items to the registered user, we will need to provide the registered user's name and address to a third party such as a shipping company. These companies will enter into an agreement with us that they will not use this information for other purposes and will not disclose such information to any other person. In the event of certain online advertising or online activities such as online promotion, etc., if the registered user's personal information will be possible to be shared by a third party, this site will be prior to the registered users to provide a description of how to refuse this service.

If the registered user is unwilling to share the personal registration information, they may choose not to use a particular service or to participate in a particular promotion or competition.

Unless otherwise stated in this clause, we collect the registered user's personal data only for the following purposes:

(1) to increase the understanding of registered users;
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(7) statistics and analysis. The provision of all quality services on this website is based on the accuracy and timeliness of the personal information provided by the registered user.

Vietnam, Vietnam, Vietnam, Vietnam, Vietnam, Vietnam, Vietnam, Vietnam, Vietnam, Vietnam, Vietnam, Tibet, Vietnam, Tibet, Vietnam,
(1) comply with legal requirements and subject to legal procedures;
(2) in case of emergency, in order to protect the site and its registered users of personal or public safety, but this site should be mandatory legal or mandatory legal procedures.

Registered users in the forum or message board on the voluntary disclosure of personal information may be spread through the Internet by other people to collect and use, such acts can not control the site, if the registered users caused any trouble, this site is not responsible for this.
The Vietnamese Vietnamese tour will provide links to third party websites. As this site can not control these sites, so we recommend that registered users through the link to visit these sites to read these third party website personal information confidentiality system.

We welcome the registered users to comment on the protection of personal information and privacy policy here and questioned. We are committed to protecting the personal information and privacy of registered users and making every effort to ensure the security of such information. As the technology on the Internet advances by leaps and bounds, this site will be updated at any time to protect personal information and privacy policy. All revisions will be posted on this site. If you have any comments and questions about this policy, please contact us at Online Security Statement

The purpose of this policy is to promote the principles of openness, knowledge and consent, and to establish the trust and confidence of Internet users on the Internet. We aim to demonstrate the confidentiality of information confidentiality and the provision of a secure and stable network environment to registered users. Therefore, we hope to comply with the Internet International Convention on International Security Policy and Privacy Policy and Privacy Policy , And accept the supervision of members and the public.

We welcome and reward any reasonable advice made by anyone on the technical safety of this website through appropriate procedures against any hacker's behavior in any unlawful, improper or unethical way to invade other people's networks. This site will be at the right time by participating in or establishing a confidential information secret and network security plan.


Any accident, negligence, breach of contract, defamation, infection with computer viruses, copyright or other intellectual property disputes arising out of the use of this site or any other website or webpage connected to this site And the resulting loss, the more play off-road Tibet tour is not responsible, do not assume any legal responsibility.

Everything provided by the Vietnamese Vietnamese Tour is provided at the prevailing status and has been prudent at the time of publication. In the event of any change in content, this site is subject to change without notice and without any guarantee as to the accuracy, validity, timeliness or completeness of the foregoing.

Unless otherwise stated, the information on the protection of personal information and privacy is published, and any information, information or communication information forwarded by registered users forwarded or sent to any site on this website is considered to be non-confidential and non-proprietary and we do not have any communication Confidentiality obligations. You can copy, disclose, distribute, merge or use communication information and all data, graphics, sound, text, and other materials for any commercial or non-commercial purpose. This site prohibits registered users from sending or forwarding any illegal content that is threatening, slanderous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic or otherwise violating the law. For such content, the registered user shall be liable for any civil tort or criminal liability which may arise, which is not related to the Vietnam War.

Any rules, policies, guidelines, statements, conditions and terms, any or all of the terms of the agreement and the legal subject of the Vietnamese tour of the Vietnamese tour, as a result of the content, The lawsuit of the People 's Republic of China shall not apply to the laws and regulations of the People' s Republic of China (excluding the conflict of laws).

This legal statement is in conflict with the registered user agreement, subject to this legal notice. The special conditions and terms of the registered user agreement shall be understood and used together with this legal statement. Any or all of the terms of this Legal Notice are an integral part of the Registered User Agreement.

In addition to the public line of Raiders and Tibet tourism information series, at the same time set up a trip to Tibet tourism service team, is committed to Tibet tourism enthusiasts to provide quality travel environment, to help you reach a variety of tourism in Tibet dream. Our country travel business license number: L-XZ-00028; go to Tibet, choose the Tibet tourism service team - more play off-road Tibet tour (




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