Yamdrok Bird Island

 Yamdrok bird island is located in the sheep Yamdrok south fault, Lhasa to jersey when, to zhe ancient lake, the lake spread, flying a lot of the lake water birds, lake village, yak herds, snow mountain lake, is really a virgin snow mountain lake, the lake after the south Tibetan areas, meet a lot of goa, hiding the ass, and then to the maiden left south bank, Yamdrok south bank, the maiden left from point of view, graceful, chi line clip arrived at sea 120 kilometers. Arrived at north shore Yamdrok, kangba snow-capped mountains, the YangHu full complete journey.

If Yamdrok is only big poison scorpion, color flower island is long mole on the scorpions chela. "Color" in the Tibetan language is said to be rhinoceros, but Yamdrok and color of flower on the side of the island, and who had seen the rhino? Color flower island, color flower village before people can often see horses and cattle and sheep out of the lake, and go back to the lake, they think it's a monster. So we guess, in the eyes of the color flower village, rhino is probably the appearance of the monster.
Color flower island near a bird island, above and is full of wild bird's nest, and even no place to stay. Legend has it that just hatched birds would be the first sight of animals as their parents, will shake brain to follow behind them. If they are first saw me? The idea makes me have a boiling passion.
Is bird island and flower island don't border of color, color flower village people don't care about how many birds on bird island, as they never care about Yamdrok how many fish are in the wrong, these beings are all the sons of bodhisattva, they choose the residence of the color with flower village. The day before I ask them where is the bird island, they don't know qi qi shake head said. I try so hard, and graphic rocking arms, raised a shout of "ao". They think along while, suddenly someone a clap a thigh said: you say duck? A dime a dozen! But the color is not take you up on the island, let you upset them.
Color flower island is the largest island in Yamdrok, also is the people most of the island, there are dozens of units, more than one hundred and thirty people). Cattle and sheep, eagles and other wildlife on the island, and streams, mountains, fields, pastures, no matter from which on the one hand, color flower island is an independent and healthy ecosystems, enough to get xanadu's praise, all rural dream about male plow female weave can be found here. Sunshine, crop and valley, a vast expanse of blue water, and the winds that pass over your fields, horses and sheep, wild and wild flowers, Bai Sensen cattle bones, cowhide raft, many, many poems appeared in the plateau elements one by one here.
YangHu more than 20 islands, of which only few flowers and hold island has a temple, on the two temple please contact in advance. Owning a small temple and day flower temple in township, and township east la, locals enthusiasm, will go for you. Please observe the relevant customs into the temple. In more than 20 Yamdrok island, are essentially every island is bird island, in the spawning period from April to may, the island is not recommended. Color one, day one, hold little island can provide accommodation space, but suggest to bring a sleeping bag with food of a day or so.


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