Men and women were seven days of ritual bath Tibet mysterious


Every year the Tibetan early July, in Tibet, in Lhasa river, from the city to the country, from the pastoral areas to agricultural, all have a mass bathing activities. This annual bathing activities, to focus on a week, so, this is the Tibetan unique ritual, also called bath weeks. In the seven days, from ChuiTiao doll, to white-haired old man, all under the river to take a bath, this has become the Tibetan traditional customs.

In the Lhasa area, always visible to the naked eye abandoned south mountain star, then explain season is spring or autumn.

The river bath of tibetans

According to Tibetan astronomy almanac records, the water of the early autumn have eight advantage: a Kennedy, two cool, three soft, four light, WuQing, six not smelly, seven drink without loss larynx, eight drink do not hurt the abdomen. This concludes there are certain scientific reason. The Tibet plateau winter long summer short, spring snow water into the river, JiGu iceman; Summer the rain fell in torrents, flash floods, the river turbidity; PiPao winter wrapped body, who dare to enter the water? Only in the autumn, the water temperature is higher, the river clean. Autumn is the best, so, choose the moment a bath is again appropriate did not pass.

At this time, the Tibet plateau just after the rainy season, sunny, river clear plumbing. So, a group of pick up a group of men and women, old and young, family action, and FuLaoXieYou, they came to the river, heartily play in the water, take a bath, swimming, tired and sat on the shore of the world and all kinds of uncleanness upon sho disaster, disease, troubles, and pain. The older the old man also went to the river squat down in steps, first shampoo, stripped after the upper part of the body, brush with water, under a bath last river.

People not only shampoo, bath, also conveniently and wash your clothes and sheets.

People take of barley wine, Tibet, ZanBa and other holiday foods, after a bath ate and drank, ShuiGuDaoJin, a ideas. Some are swimming in the river, some in the dance on the beach, some singing. It is: the golden blow gently weather is cool, cold water clear; Lhasa river GeChao on, old and young, men and women bath busy. Sunny good landscape, thousands of families to wash clothes; Clean air in the beach, colorful put light.

People out in the morning, didn't come home at night. This bath activities, to July abandon mountain star appeared, into climax; Abandon mountain star subduction, bathing activities are over, lasted for a week. Take a bath as a holiday, in the peoples of the world, I'm afraid of is unique to the Tibetan.

Why do people put seven of the appearance of the stars at night as a ritual?

A long time ago, grasslands out a very famous doctor, and his name is "yu Dan kampot · cloud. His medical skill is very great, what difficulty miscellaneous disease can be put to. Therefore, the king's hidden ChiSong praise please him to his physician, to hide and the king and the princess specializing in medicine. But, yu "into the future, in the heart still forget grassland people. He often borrow CaiYao out of kung fu, to heal people.

One year, the terrible disease, many farmers bedridden, some have been took his life. At this time, yu "in the vast grasslands run, for YiGuGu sick nomads cure. He picked from snow mountain and lim for all kinds of drugs, who eat the disease will be better. Don't know how many dying patients in his treatment back to health. On the grassland lips around the name of "yu doctor, people call him YaoWang. Unfortunately, yu's doctor later died in an accident.

After he dies, grasslands and had a terrible plague, than the last to be more serious, many people die. Dying nomads have to kneeling on the ground, pray to god, hope heaven bless.

It is skillful, one day, a disease to be tortured a woman, suddenly had a dream, the dream ZhongYu "the doctor said to her:" tomorrow night, when the southeast in the sky a bright star, you can down to the river to take a bath, auspicious song after bath disease will better." Sure enough, the women in his QuHe after bath, disease immediately eliminate. A and yellow and thin patients, in the bath later turned into a red light with healthy person. This new spread later, all patients had come to river a bath.

All take a shower of the patient, eliminate the disease, back to health. People say, this big strange stars that yu "become a doctor. Yu in the kingdom, the doctor see people suffering from the plague attacks and grassland, and he cannot come to earth to heal people, so they put themselves into a star, through the river into the potion, let people in a bath in the river to dispel the disease. Because day emperor to yu 7 days "only time, this star will occur only 7 days. From then on, the Tibetan people's take this 7 days as a ritual. Every year this time, around the nomads are to take a bath in the near the river. It is said that after a bath, then people in good health, don't living disease.



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