Nagchu Racing Festival


With the world many nomads, the tibetans and profound love long horse. Legend of the horse is the heaven and the earth god birds of the monkey (for the lake said big fish) is born with. The horse of the day, when the wind is the flight had better. Tibetan big scholars were also said to class wisdom: dress up not us in the car owners. In the northern, livestock people know that has a good horse of the specific meaning. And people, horse needs glory. So, horse racing festival also can say to the festival as a horse. Especially in pastoral areas long a year after the sun and wind. Of course, the origin of horse racing is far from that. But it began to meet the separates gesar of the story, but it is the one of the reasons why. Horse racing is writing and continue prairie legendary important and the ancient traditions.

No matter from the ways, horse racing festival in August when the most festive naqu lively, also the most beautiful. No doubt, horse racing festival is also a the season of love. The han Chinese habit of euphemism will be regarded as "romantic". Therefore, said pastoral areas people value the extent of the horse racing festival beyond a Tibetan New Year a little too much. Before the horse racing festival, a few hundred kilometers of the herdsmen and all over and villages with tents, dressed in a gorgeous national costumes, wear together the most is worth showing off their jewellery, in all the way TaGe grassland like bears. A tent overnight naqu they filled the horse racing around, repeatedly until a spectacular "city". Exchange of goods, art performance, all kinds of folk sports such as tug-of-war, long jump, hold the stone to wait and religious activities and make this city has a name.

Official games, devout riders first around the great burning incense a circle round as a mark of respect and accept the lama at all the seemingly blessing. This can be seen as a heroic rider and PiGong depending on the court dress up a new level of the horses appear. Horse racing on both sides of the audience with word shout cheering, urged the horses gallop in the day to repeal the boom like into one, you on. This is straightforward bold and unconstrained the herdsmen and day and most warmly emotional communication of the land.

Horse racing festival schedule varies in length, in ten kilometers). According to age also points a player the child, the adult categories, according to game content is divided into immediately archery, target shooting, competitive, sprint's, and immediately took up, offering of barley wine hadad, sometimes including have similar to the dressage go marseille. Various kinds of new and interesting race activities can make the scene audience at the distraction. And even the entire Tibetan areas of naqu horse racing wouldn't have a strict system of the referee, relatively free form, with a strong performance means. But the name of the horse won but will spread rapidly through the prairie, fame even far beyond its master. These "world star", "black lightning", "prairie eagle" named after such a treasure horse won the good places for and into the story and legend, pushed for people. Have the title race ChongWang early in winter comes before they enter aftercare, in the most refined the racer to feed, and to MaMu at every day care, care to divers. Often a horse with a good mark affects even a rural village people of a busy for happiness.

Ancient and prestigious naqu horse racing festival northern is irreplaceable tourism projects. Choose summer visitors must not swim Tibet to miss. Naqu anduo area is the most can, staying in the northern herdsmen's life, in addition, is located in the region of the nujiang river, Yangtze river, the river source, can make you do taste again after the chic shepherd culture of the great waters JiLi enjoyed the mountains.



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