ChenDu-Lhasa journey


[reading] chengdu to book, ZiJiaYou QuanGongLve xizang middle road.
A, route
Chengdu--the 147-km-168-km of him LuDing-49 km-kangding-75 km-new capital bridge-74-km-143 km scales, litang-165-km-36 km-kang-pa bamboo basketry cage-71-km-158-km mangkam ZuoGong-107 km-BangDa-94 km-BaSu-90 km-but the-129 km-BoMi-89 km-TongMai-127 km-Lin zhi, 19 km- 127-km bayi textile jomda-206 km-MoZhu work card-68 km-Lhasa
Along the sichuan-tibet highway at large difference, and may one day after four seasons weather, the mountain snow whirling, mountain may be mild climate. Along the highway through merari, color together, leaf pull, pull of marat, while Cheryl, folding, such as ErLang 14 mountain; Through forced long Tibetan cloth, nujiang river, lancang river, Yangtze river, built more than 10, dadu river river, and swamp, frozen, zones, gravel landslide area, the original forest and lodge tile card big glaciers, though hard journey, but all the way to the magnificent scenery.
1, climate, plateau response: may the qinghai-tibet plateau is not the rainy season. But for some sections of the special position also have rain. The qinghai-tibet plateau an average elevation in four kilometers above all, because the atmosphere only 61% ~ 68% oxygen, so it appeared plateau response, namely blood contains pull the reduction of amount and feel unwell, the majority of people will gradually adapt to the (usually three days).
2, the jet lag, communication: Tibet, xinjiang use Beijing time, but have 1 ~ 3 hours time difference, county are above cities IDD and post office.
3, folk customs: respect the local culture, especially into a temple quiet and respect is very necessary.
4, environmental protection and wild animals: Tibet is a piece of pure land snow area has not yet been pollution, any garbage please don't literally discard, should be packaged to the garbage can allow the place. Wilderness is the home of the wildlife, please don't touch, surrounded by close to, or after the wild animals. Catch not catching and hunting but illegal, but no moral, and may lead to disease and dangerous, let us take is good memories and photographs, leaving only the rut and footprints.
5, credit CARDS, and money: Tibet most cities only accept Great Wall; Carry too much cash and expensive jewelry is not appropriate.
6, personal items are list: three sets of underwear, autumn wear one to two sets, long, short sleeve cotton T-shirt every two, cold rain coat and a, wear-resisting cotton trousers two to three, sweater a, sunbonnet, sunglasses, strong sports shoes? Acupuncture point tall waist? Snow or military boots a pair of, a pair of loafers, cotton socks four pairs of above, line or canvas gloves four vice. Thin ShaJin (dustproof, sunscreen), the things that wash gargle. Sunscreen (frost), protect a lipstick, sterilized wet towel, toilet paper, personal essential drugs, a band-aid, QingLiangYou, Dan, eye drops, a cold medicine right amount, not including's sensitive classes to save people of ingredients can't avoid lethargy driving safety, stainless steel vacuum travel insulation kettle, personal snacks right amount.
7, camera, film and AIDS. The flashlight, batteries, a knife, a compass, sewing kit, pen, laptop, water, bowl, chopsticks, small spoon (tableware), business CARDS, identity certificate, and the match, wide adhesive tape, such products oil, strong travel soft bag (for off-road turbulence, friction), hard luggage is not right.
Second, specific arrangement:
D1 (April 25) : linyi-1088 km-xian-920 km-chengdu
D2 (26 April) : chengdu rest day
D3 (April 27) : chengdu (512 m)-93-km (569 m)-the 63 km-yoann (601 m) (the)-37 km-TianQuan-53 km-new channel (1430 m)-25 km-mountain tunnel (2170 m)-25 km-LuDing (1330 m)-24 km-25 km gas- kangding (2480 m), 30 km-SheDuoShan mouth (4270 m)-30-new capital bridge (3460 m), total: 431 km
Cement and asphalt pavement, chengdu to kangding by a good, the 4176 m 2 lang mountain tunnel (2165 m) it is said that new capital bridge is the paradise of the photographer, overlooking here 7556 meters of the king of ShuShan site at the peak of the mountain--this period of road conditions generally permitted, and after SheDuoShan to new capital bridge road conditions is bad, there is certainly some pits a lot
Kangding shangri-la hostel $50 / night, t the agriculture bank JinSui hotel, because is in the off-season, 480 standard rooms also to 120 yuan still take parking, have central air conditioning, toilet also good.
The D4 (April 28) : new capital bridge-20 km-gore on temple (4270 m), 50 km-scales (2600 m), 30 km-on top bay (4450 m)-20 km-119 (4210 m)-attended the 35 km-mountain pass (4440 m)-mountain pass radar station (4400 m)-9 km-mountain pass (4330 m)-12 km-mountain pass (4370 m)-24 km-mountain pass (4430 m)-13 km-Richard depots tang (3960 m)-82 km-haizi mountain pass (4690 m)-18 km-new 35 km-labradors kirgiz-35 km-on-kang-pa (2580 m), total: 382 km
Way to go over 2 mountain. New capital bridge to litang road conditions and downs, must be careful suddenly appeared big hole or uplift. Kang-pa litang road sections basic end.
Kang-pa: snow area tashi hotel, the condition is not bad

D5 (April 29) : 32-jinsha river bridge kang-pa- 48 km-haitong (3530 m)-18 km-barak in mountain pass (4170 m), 7 km-mangkang (3830 m)-12 km-pull the mountain pass (4380 m)-33 km-bamboo card (2660 km)-24 km-sleep of bashan (3930 m)-13 km-and up (3470 m)-13 km-RongFeng (4100



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