Taiwanese and how to deal with foreign tourists into Tibet approval letter


A foreigner, why need to deal with "into Tibet tourism approval letter?
In view of the special national tradition, Tibetan cultural interest and the need to protect the ecological environment, but also because of the traffic in Tibet and tourism service facilities and reception capacity, government regulation of China citizenship holder, namely foreign tourism guests, Taiwan and overseas Chinese tourists (Hong Kong, Macao residents hold China hksar passport or driver license home except), in the Tibet tourism before, must be dealt with by the Tibet tourism bureau (TTB] the issue "foreigners into Tibet tourism approval letter, and at the same time, foreign journalists and diplomats also provisions can not to enter Tibet tourists.

Second, what people need to deal with "into Tibet tourism approval letter
1, the Chinese citizen id card holder-China Taiwan visitors;
2, the Chinese passport holders-foreign passport holder.
Note: the overseas Chinese without China passport also need to deal with "into Tibet tourism approval letter.

Note: the regions of Hong Kong and Macao is cancelled Tibet tourism must provide personnel "into Tibet tourism approval letter rules. Hong Kong and Macao with Chinese tourists hksar passport, "macau compatriots home return permit" (1998 years ago issued for a period of 10 years) or "Hong Kong and Macao residents with the mainland pass" are available to the Tibetan tourism.

Three, the relevant provisions of the hidden foreigners brigade
According to the national tourism administration rule, foreign tourists, Taiwan tourists and overseas Chinese, Hong Kong, Macao residents hold China hksar passport or driver license home except during in Tibetan not allowed to travel, no matter how much the number, must have the organization, in a planned way as tourists.
Every organization of the overseas tourism should be made by the entrusted by the team travel to Tibet tourism bureau and its application for country offices into Tibet approval letter. To the overseas individual clients to Tibet, Tibet tourism bureau offices in Beijing, Shanghai, chengdu, golmud all set up agencies responsible for specific overseas individual clients.

All that hold foreign passport, Taiwan compatriot certificate, Tibet tourism tourists, must first selected tourist line trip, in and out of traffic tools in Lhasa, time,
With a camera on the page and my passport visa first page, then use E-mail or QQ softcopies or from mail sent on (must ensure that each word will be clearly recognize). We handle certificate. Need to approval of the tourist route you choose, after approval by the Lhasa against is tourist routes play Tibet, must the whole trip by ZuTuanShe arrangement. Can arrange independent dough. Because we need to use the express mail of Tibet to himself, so shall provide the detailed receives an address. There are seven days to the above time (received your copy of passport or electronic scanning the time after) visa that one, and have pictures of himself that page.

If you hold the visa is "F" visa, this visa belongs to the job in China visa, deal with into Tibet letter words, must want to have you in the China unit certification issued can handle (must be print proof, can't handwritten), the proposal had better travel visa, tourist visa is need not deal with relevant proof.

Four, how to deal with "foreigners into Tibet tourism approval letter?
Visa: overseas tourists to the location of the first in the Chinese embassies (consulate) of Chinese visa, and China has concluded visa-free agreement except the country.

Five, application into Tibet tourism approval letter:
Please send your basic information (including name, nationality, age, gender, occupation, passport number), Tibet line, roughly time, travel intentions, run by the local telephone number of the travel agencies or data submitted to the Tibet tourism bureau directly in the designated agencies all over, at the same time, passport and visa page copy of fax or Email to us, you will in 2-4 days into Tibet get relevant confirmation procedures.
Receive guests in the copy of passport and visa, usually can immediately check out "foreigners into Tibet tourism approval letter. Although he is only three working days to review the approval letter issued into Tibet, but considering the related with the guest ticket, hotel, guide and vehicles travel issues arrangement reservation, please as early as possible and some go through the formalities of application, so that went into hiding travel routes, time, place, and the related data obtained corresponding confirmation.

We call for into Tibet: +86-0891-6690888   6694888



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