WuHan-Lhasa journey


[reading] wuhan to xizang middle road books (1).

Tibet, the each ZiJiaYou lovers all hope to place, about her beautiful has a lot of praise in the words of the pure, I'm in here without xu, wanted to send me the process of experience for later want to record the friends as a reference
Because we work in a school, can use the summer vacation, we started in May is from this plan to Tibet, and his colleagues to discuss after good bought tents and air cushion bed, spare items, in fact it turned out that these may not use it. The car is a colleague the Elysee, my car is giovanni cobolli gigli us-japan, we the car 3 people, the Elysee four, and two cars are only one open, including item is a full one car, the accessory brought a not very good GPS and two interphone, the two things is the most useful. We in July 22 formal set out, on August 9 th back to wuhan, lasted for 19 days.
D1. (July 22) wuhan-sanmenxia, starting at 7:30, the Yangtze river three bridge duty visit bead high speed, because GPS maps is not very good, is not familiar with, so screw river in high speed going the wrong way when, in pingdingshan turn for a long time, the original plan in lintong seismostation of accommodation, because time is too late after the sanmenxia accommodation. While before dark to see the see China's first hydraulic project-sanmenxia dam, in my childhood memories of sanmenxia dam is the majestic how tall the style, there a look very disappointing, compared with more than 30 years after the GeZhou dam, the three gorges including GeHeYan, only a small pediatric, it also accounts for the development of the society is how this is episode.
The travel time: at 7:30 in the morning-at 7:00pm, sanmenxia accommodation: red flag hotel, accommodation and personal altogether 150. Gasoline fees 260 yuan, 315 yuan GongLuFei. Parking 5 yuan.
D2. (July 23) sanmenxia-xian, now, sanmenxia west station by the export ShanXian even khodorkovsky high speed, high speed lintong seismostation, swim hua qing pool and the warriors, the afternoon xian high speed, swim pagoda, xian ancient city wall. If the destination is straight to Tibet, can ignore the two day's journey, a day and can go to xi 'an.
The travel time: they-7 xian accommodation: green garden hotel standard rooms and 80 yuan, 135 yuan gasoline prices, GongLuFei 105 yuan.
D3. (July 24.) xian-lanzhou, from xian XiBao on high speed, high speed from baoji has been to the high speed is building in tianshui, this section of the road is most mountain roads, big trucks much more special, often need to overtake, return true points driving level, or we will be walked slowly, and there will be a car, we went to the good luck, back is blocked up several times. Tin shui to compare the lanzhou, here I 160 opened a road, put a horse and dumped, cow! To have already run a lanzhou halfway, so at night went to examination of the chassis and suspension of transmission, charges $20 per car, this is the most easy to a dangerous place.
The travel time: 8:20-7:30, lanzhou accommodation: standard rooms, 65 yuan, 220 yuan gasoline prices, GongLuFei 171 yuan
The D4. (July 25) lanzhou-marcus qinghai lake, 8:00 LanHai out on high speed, after xining straight to qinghai lake, note here is, qinghai lake have two way, the passengers and hercynian, its action is to place, hercynian to another is called 151 scenic spots, closer to the journey, we walk to the middle, walk back to the routines. Fast to get off see road when marcus, really got our cold, and what a big lake wind ah, we get down to the all the clothes wear to also feel cold, qinghai lake at an altitude of more than 3200 meters, the place to start a plateau response, also is just a minor feeling dizzy, like drink the wine of, this time will eat rhodiola plateau, doing the things slowly.
The travel time: 8:00-7:00, qinghai lake marcus accommodation: 20 yuan/person, toilet in the outside, the condition is not good. Gasoline is 205 yuan, GongLuFei 88 yuan.
D5. (on July 26)--golmud marcus qinghai lake, begin from here to travel is little, just in charge when into golmud 5 yuan. This section of the road is through the qaidam basin of the gobi desert, the national highway, under high speed than to be good, so this day is one of the earliest days at the destination, is to pay attention to the village don't speeding yo. After the highest mountain is the rubber mountain, at an altitude of 3817 meters. Into the area sun get longer, at 9 p.m. it was dark, use this time to the hospital on irrigation oxygen, and a bag of as long as 5 yuan, the body bad can also go to check, where doctors experience will give you some advice.
The travel time: 7:30-6 PM, golmud accommodation: the army of beside the station for hostel standard rooms, 70 yuan, the condition is very good, gasoline fees 102 yuan, GongLuFei 5 yuan
D6. (July 27). TangGuLaShan-always hot spring golmud, golmud to Lhasa a total of more than 1100 kilometers, at least into two days to reach Lhasa, the real test of the qinghai-tibet plateau and ZiJiaYou when from here, from golmud at an altitude of more than 2700 meters of always on to more than 5000 height, and has been a more than 4000 altitude driving on the plane, on the way after the kunlun the pass is the lowest elevation 4767 meters, and wudaoliang (5000), the head 29 mountain (5170), TangGuLaShan (5231) ShenGe GongShan (4880) in the volcanic (5010) and so on. Our car started to also have plateau response, always in the 4000 meters above the car will power decline, according to the usual gear will drop a file open, especially climbing, this is some drivers open suvs also run the uphill but my lucky reason, to wudaoliang couldn't start when the Elysee, car teacher say plateau response, touched it is fifty yuan, not quite well, but found the starting method, as long as the high altitude along the way to prevent starting. The accommodation of hot spring is always above 5000, it turned out we here this night is wrong, here a night of plateau response is the most strong, we a line 7, five people all very serious, and I am the only another female comrade just dizzy, some up water bravery



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